Fast Catch

The inventor of Fast Catch™ calf catcher, is a rancher and farmer from Western Kansas. The Fast Catch calf catcher (patented) is designed to decrease the risk while improving the efficiency of vaccinating and applying ear tags, also known as “working calves”. 

The inventor was attacked by a cow while working a calf. After the terrible ordeal landed him in the E.R., followed by a long recovery, the idea for a better, safer, more efficient calf catcher was born. This calf catcher solves the problems and dangers associated with working calves. 

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Low Stress For Cows & Calves

One of the major advantages that Fast Catch offers over its competitors is its lightweight durability, providing a nimble and strong calf cage. The elevated cage minimizes wear and tear on both the cage and the UTV. This protects the product, while protecting the operator.

The lightweight cage is made of aluminum tubing. Fast Catch does not over-burden the UTV suspension and will not rust.

All of these factors combine to minimize the noise and stress for the mother cow and calf. Fast Catch calf catcher allows the operator to quickly capture the calf and decrease the amount of time spent chasing the calf. 

Fast Catch Dimensions


  • Width: 54.25" 
  • Height: 74.25"
  • Length: 64"   
  • Weight: 100 lbs









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